We were disappointed that the govenor, Govenor Kulongoski, refused to meet with us. Until he came to office, every govenor of Oregon has met with the current Mother of the Year. However, we did enjoy a nice visit with Elizabeth A. Kiren, lizkiren@state.or.us Citizen's Represetative, working in the Office of the Govenor. She was very gracious and listened to our presentations.
Goldie Burton did introductions andMarilyn Dougall gave an overview of American Mothers and spoke of the National Convention being held in Oregon this year. Jacki Hunlow spoke of the Legacy Project and park at Portland State University. Then Melanie Henstrom spoke as Young Mother and I spoke as Mother of the Year.

Elizabeth was presented with a beautiful plaque with the names of all of the Mothers of the Year for Oregon, mine being the last name on the plaque. Later we all went to lunch and had a board meeting.
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